I marked my first night home & alone in Vancouver by watching the movie 'Sleepless in Seattle'.
On a recent trip to Seattle with a girlfriend, we went on a tour that took us past (amoung many other places) the houseboat that was featured in the movie. They played a clip where Jonah shows his Dad the letter from Annie, and Sam replies:
Come here. I'll show you a sign.
(looking at a map) Where's Seattle? And Baltimore? Right there!
There's like 26 states between here and there. That's a sign.
We laughed and laughed, because we'd just found out that Sean had been offered the job in Baltimore, and it really did feel like a sign.
On an unrelated note, if one more person comes up to me and sings 'Goodmorning Baltimore!' they will be walking away with fewer teeth than when they came. I vow here and now to never, ever see Hairspray again.
The apartment is empty save for some random orphaned furniture, the cats, myself and the dust bunnies. It feels very big. Time seems to pass very slowly. Actually, time seems not to pass at all. I'm working 6 days a week, and it just feels like repeating the same day over and over again.
I'm also hungry, and poorly equiped to remedy this. I'd put aside some old pots & pans, dishes & cups, but was so incredible stunned during 'The Great Pack' that I let the movers pack everything I'd put aside. I do have a kettle though, and thanks to 20 years in Girl Guides, I could cook a surprising array of foods in a ziplock freezer bag.
But right now, I'm sticking to instant oatmeal. I can't tell you why I bother eating it. I'm convinced it's the poster-child of depressing foods. And it tastes like wallpaper paste. Or maybe that amino-acid gruel they eat in the 'real world' in the Matrix.
Oh well, I might as well hunker down and get comfy, because I'm here for 6 long weeks.